Episode 9

E9: Kind, Necessary & True -- Right Speech at Work & Life

In this episode, you'll discover how the act of mindful listening can shape your speech and relationships. Dig deeper into the concept of right action and understand its importance in daily interactions. Be inspired to consider the intricacies of right livelihood as we share examples from our own lives, ranging from involvement in charity events to practicing Buddhist vows. The hosts invite you to reflect on your motivations and assess your career or vocation through the lens of the Eightfold Path.

02:39 Right speech means being truthful, kind, necessary. We are all in this together.

07:04 Using right speech to help entrepreneurs. How do you create a good pitch to investors.

08:15 Intention for right speech and its impact on others. Is it kind, Is it necessary. Is it true?

11:41 Nonviolent communication empowers personal responsibility in relationships.

15:24 What is Right Action? Abstaining from harm, stealing, and more.

19:25 Assessing motivations and consequences of our actions. Honest reflection about ourself.

24:45 Being mindful, authentic, kind, and helpful is right action in daily interactions, not making a million dollars.

27:44 Paul's journey with his Buddhist vows; conquer alcohol dependency.

31:25 Zen story about a teacher who approves dignified butchering as livelihood.

35:05 Reflect on speech, action - kind, true, necessary. Assess livelihood's impact - now, short, long-term. Capture insights from meditation for discussion.

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-game-of-zen/id1700988890

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2bjnPE66RC1bCL6h7i68jt?si=184f256fd76342e3&nd=1

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Zen@Work: https://www.zenatwork.org/

Zen@Work Today: https://zenatwork.substack.com/

Email: GameofZenpodcast@gmail.com

About the Podcast

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The Game of Zen
Master the game of work + life with wisdom and practical skills

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Paul Agostinelli

Paul Agostinelli

Paul is a transmitted Zen teacher, Executive + Life Coach working at the intersection of professional, personal and spiritual development. He is Founder and Spiritual Leader of Eon Zen Center and offers Zen-informed Executive Coaching and Consultancy services through his Zen@Work program (www.zenatwork.org).

Paul received a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from Dartmouth College and a Master’s Degree in English Literature from the University of Chicago, and has had a long career as an Internet Technology entrepreneur, co-founding and running multiple companies. He is on the Faculty of Willow Farm Contemplative Caregiving Center, and taught Zen for seven years as Adjunct Faculty at Naropa University.
Profile picture for Scott Berman

Scott Berman

Scott is a serial entrepreneur with a long career in Venture Capital, Digital Marketing & Jewelry Manufacturing. He is a devoted student of Zen Buddhism and has been studying with Sensei Paul for the last 3 years. Scott is an avid reader of spiritual books. In addition to the various business ventures, he has been keeping official NBA Basketball Stats for the Philadelphia 76ers since 1988.