Episode 5

E5: The Hot Mess and the Fray - Guest Episode with Geoff Shoun O'Keeffe

In our latest episode of the Game of Zen podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Geoff Shoun O'Keeffe as our special guest. Geoff shared his wisdom on the power of not knowing and embracing uncertainty in our lives.

Geoff discussed the concept of right mindfulness and the eightfold path as tools to navigate the complexities of existence. . Through Geoff's journey, we learned how anger and conflict initially surfaced but eventually transformed into acceptance and making the best of the situation.

00:02:48 Gratitude, Zen practice, outdoor industry experience, leadership values.

00:17:26 Unintentional actions, transitioning to larger company role.

00:19:58 Outdoor industry transformed by commercialization and competition.

00:14:31 Acquisitions bring arrogance, impatience, and near-bankruptcy.

00:19:47 Eightfold path helps navigate inner and outer chaos.

00:23:31 Ego, anger, and courage in professional environment.

00:26:44 Listen, observe, let go, and simplify.

00:31:53 Resistance to ranking things as "more Zen".

00:37:16 Zenpeacemakers.org. 30-year-old nonprofit doing various social justice work. Not positional, unique among engaged Buddhist organizations.

00:43:06 Integration, whiskers, progress, change, curiosity, equanimity: Jeff's rewarding journey of self-growth.

00:45:35 Geoff joins as guest in non-traditional meditation.

  • Hot mess and fray discussed.
  • Internal volatility and external chaos explored.
  • Name and focus on worries and concerns.
  • Question your truth and be present.

00:49:21 Great conversation on meditation, much appreciation.


Email us: GameofZenpodcast@gmail.com 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMJ2A-vZkd5ba7bW_8KNFgdkXiSfQh_xv

Zen@Work (Paul's Site): https://www.zenatwork.org/

Zen@Work Today (Paul's newsletter) https://zenatwork.substack.com/

Scott's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-berman-3901022/

Paul's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-agostinelli/

About the Podcast

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The Game of Zen
Master the game of work + life with wisdom and practical skills

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Paul Agostinelli

Paul Agostinelli

Paul is a transmitted Zen teacher, Executive + Life Coach working at the intersection of professional, personal and spiritual development. He is Founder and Spiritual Leader of Eon Zen Center and offers Zen-informed Executive Coaching and Consultancy services through his Zen@Work program (www.zenatwork.org).

Paul received a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from Dartmouth College and a Master’s Degree in English Literature from the University of Chicago, and has had a long career as an Internet Technology entrepreneur, co-founding and running multiple companies. He is on the Faculty of Willow Farm Contemplative Caregiving Center, and taught Zen for seven years as Adjunct Faculty at Naropa University.
Profile picture for Scott Berman

Scott Berman

Scott is a serial entrepreneur with a long career in Venture Capital, Digital Marketing & Jewelry Manufacturing. He is a devoted student of Zen Buddhism and has been studying with Sensei Paul for the last 3 years. Scott is an avid reader of spiritual books. In addition to the various business ventures, he has been keeping official NBA Basketball Stats for the Philadelphia 76ers since 1988.