Episode 3

E3: Let Go, Let Come, Let Be: Cultivating Equanimity for Business and Personal Growth

In this deep dive into the world of Zen, we explore the profound concept of attachment and its impact on our daily lives.

In this episode, we delve into the three-part meditation practice of Letting Go, Letting Come, and Letting Be. These exercises are designed to evoke a specific energy and help us cultivate equanimity - the ability to be present without being pulled off our center by desires, frustrations, or intense efforts to control outcomes.

[07:29] Equanimity is the crucial quality needed in work and life. It is centeredness, the ability to stay focused and not be pulled off course by desires or frustration.

[11:08] Recognize that storytelling creates desires and fears, but they are not reality.

[12:29] Recognize and let go of attachments and aversions, embrace what comes, learn from failures, overcome ignorance to cultivate equanimity.

[16:59] Venture capital in the slow and frustrating cannabis industry. Anxious about progress and investment returns. Adjusting expectations.

[20:40] Freedom allows you to overcome setbacks and find happiness.

[24:48] Understanding the unknown through medical process helps alleviate fear and improve well-being across various aspects of life.

[28:46] Our perception of others reflects our own depth of reflection. Those who are self-aware can understand others on a deeper level, benefiting personal and professional relationships.

[00:30:20] The meditation consists of three parts: Letting go, letting come, and letting be. It involves clenching and then relaxing the fists, pushing away and then inviting in, and observing the present moment with an open gaze.

[34:09] A thank you and promotion for the podcast.

Email us: GameofZenpodcast@gmail.com

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMJ2A-vZkd5ba7bW_8KNFgdkXiSfQh_xv

Zen@Work (Paul's Site): https://www.zenatwork.org/

Zen@Work Today (Paul's newsletter) https://zenatwork.substack.com/

(Scott's LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-berman-3901022/

(Paul's LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-agostinelli/

About the Podcast

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The Game of Zen
Master the game of work + life with wisdom and practical skills

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Paul Agostinelli

Paul Agostinelli

Paul is a transmitted Zen teacher, Executive + Life Coach working at the intersection of professional, personal and spiritual development. He is Founder and Spiritual Leader of Eon Zen Center and offers Zen-informed Executive Coaching and Consultancy services through his Zen@Work program (www.zenatwork.org).

Paul received a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from Dartmouth College and a Master’s Degree in English Literature from the University of Chicago, and has had a long career as an Internet Technology entrepreneur, co-founding and running multiple companies. He is on the Faculty of Willow Farm Contemplative Caregiving Center, and taught Zen for seven years as Adjunct Faculty at Naropa University.
Profile picture for Scott Berman

Scott Berman

Scott is a serial entrepreneur with a long career in Venture Capital, Digital Marketing & Jewelry Manufacturing. He is a devoted student of Zen Buddhism and has been studying with Sensei Paul for the last 3 years. Scott is an avid reader of spiritual books. In addition to the various business ventures, he has been keeping official NBA Basketball Stats for the Philadelphia 76ers since 1988.